A Tool for helping in localizing Angular2 applications

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As mentioned in Wikipedia “Internationalization and localization are means of adapting computer software to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market (locale)(1).
In the context of Angular 2 applications, a popular tool for translation is ng2-translate (https://github.com/ocombe/ng2-translate).
While pretty effective in translation of texts we detect a possibility of improvement in localization aspects. Particularly there was no clear solution on how to efficiently manage text for different locales in the same language. You were forced either to copy all your translations in all the language files but adjusting the differences, or develop a solution like this plugin.
That was the inspiration for the plugin, while very simple it adds a bit of help at localizing applications, you just need to store the differences in the localization files and the default version will be extracted from the main language file.
You can see more details at https://www.npmjs.com/package/ng2-translate-localize but as a summary, the plugin adds the possibility of manage different files for each particular locale (es.json, es-UY.json, es-AR.json, …) and helps on the resolution of the translations against those files.

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